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Farmworker Reality Tour - Gizdich Ranch


April 27th--meet at Gizditch Ranch at the end of Scurich Rd., Watsonville, ca.

One of the goals of the Center for Farmworker Families is to effectively bridge the experiential and communication gap between the farmworker community and those of us who enjoy the fruits of their hard labor.

Farmworker housing is typically located in remote areas far from cities and towns, thereby rendering farmworkers invisible to the general public. Farmworker Reality Tours correct this disconnect by allowing participants to meet, dialogue with, and hear the testimonials of farmworkers.

The tours challenge participants to better understand the conditions of Mexican farmworkers in Northern California by sharing in their lives, food, and living quarters. In 2009, requests for Farmworker Reality Tours increased significantly from a variety of organizations. The San José Human Agenda organization has always sponsored a yearly FW Reality Tour. In 2009, De Anza College English class instructors, Marc Coronado and Karen Chow, brought several classes of students to the fields to learn about the lives of farmworkers.

To register:

1. Send a check for $25 per participant to: Center for Farmworker Families, P.O. Box 957, Felton, Calif. 95018

2. Meet us at Gizdich Ranch at 3pm on April 27th.